Sunday, September 5, 2010

Overnight Dispatch

Don't get used to all these frequent updates, I'm sure I'll be slowing down soon.

The real reason you're getting this one at all is the fact that I'm covering the overnight dispatch this morning and need to do something that will keep me awake.

It's quiet in here. For starters, it's a Saturday night, but it's also a lovely con two night. With this combination, it's making for a very boring evening.

Also, we had some news that hit pretty close to home for those of us in Mactown. Christchurch, New Zealand was hit by a 7.1 earthquake yesterday morning. Luckily, there are no reported deaths and only two people with serious injuries. We were all grateful to hear that as many of us consider Cheech to be another one of our "homes".

Most of the city was without power and much of it had no water as of last night. I happened to know a couple of people who worked here and were vacationing in Cheech before heading off to other destinations. They're all fine, but I'm sure they'll have a story to tell when I get ahold of them.

For the most part, the city fared well, though some structures did come tumbling down. We watched video of storefronts burning in Cathedral Square near where we usually stay. We're still waiting to hear if Bailie's survived. We're hopeful.

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