Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Humble Beginnings

Well, I finally have a blog up and running. Not too much detail to go into at this point, but I'm sure more will come shortly.

I've been running around lately getting everything ready in preparation for the first leg to Denver. It's involved lots of packing, lots of shopping, and sinking an inordinate amount of money into things that I'm hoping I'll be able to put to good use.

Also, I've been trying to see off as many people as possible. Not an easy task when you find out how many people will actually miss you. My social schedule has never been this busy before.

Briefly, I'd like to try and give a quick overview of my next few weeks. First, I leave Thursday morning for Denver. Then, roughly two weeks there getting aircraft rescue firefighter training and orientation with "The Company". After that, it's a long flight through LA to Sydney to Christchurch, New Zealand. A few days after that I'll hop a flight down to my new home. And then...we'll see.


  1. Good Luck Mark, be safe and warm. We await completion of your first assignment!!
