Friday, September 18, 2009

Leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again...

So today was the big day. After staying up into the wee hours of the morning enjoying some priceless final moments with friends and packing, I was able to finally get to sleep. At 0400.

The resultant process of waking up was less than desirable. Getting up at 0730 and greeting an unusual cool and rainy Maryland day is far from ideal. Even so, I was able to make it to the airport courtesy of a ride from the family. It was probably a less than spectacular farewell as I was about ready to fall asleep standing, but it will have to suffice.

The flight out of BWI to DFW was fairly unexciting. I was able to manage to secure an exit row seat, so I enjoyed added legroom as I dozed.

We were greeted at DFW to a pouring rain. That struck me as odd, as for some reason I didn't believe it rained in Texas.

A brief layover and another MD-80 later, we were in the air headed for DEN. It was a mostly uneventful flight except for a slightly intoxicated crazy lady a few rows ahead. She provided some mild entertainment at the end of the flight.

When we arrived in DEN, I was a little concerned at the bleak expanse of nothing that I saw during the approach. I became worried that the big Colorado city was little more than a farce. I have since been relieved of that concern after a long drive in DC like traffic through the sprawling expanse of the mile high city.

As a brief side note, I would like to state that DEN has what I now consider to be the worst baggage handling system that I have seen yet. The terminals are sprawling and spread out, connected only by trains. As a result, when your flight arrives at one far end of the airport, you make your way to the baggage claim (on the absolute opposite end of the airport) far faster than your baggage. It took nearly a half hour before our bags reached the carousel. Far from ideal in my humble opinion.

Anyways, I met up with the Red Lion shuttle outside. Didn't even have to wait too long which was wonderful. I wasn't the only one in the van, and as it turned out, the other three passengers were also contract firefighters. One was a Californian and the other two hailed from Washington. We chatted on the way back to the hotel and I was relieved to find them all easygoing.

Once we finally made it to the hotel, I was pleased to find that they have us all set up in very nice single rooms. I think the next twelve nights will be very comfortable.

That's all I have time for today. I need to get up early in the morning for the first real day of work. I do have one more story from today that some might find amusing, but I'll save it for the next post.

Lastly, for those of you who remember me mentioning the "I'm an idiot for doing this" light in the corner of my eye, it did flicker briefly. I don't think it will stay on, though. As much as I'm missing some of you back home, I'm already having a great time.

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