Monday, December 14, 2009

I give you pictures!

I'm not ambitious enough to put together a real post for today, but I did have some free time before going to dinner. As a result of my lazy ambition, I give you pictures. They are picked at random and have no order to them. Enjoy.
Red 1, my personal favorite. There's enough room in it to have a family of four live in it.

Looking directly at the back of Tanker 3 in the bays. Engine 1 occupies the space to the left and Ambo 1 the space to the right. Yes, I'm aware our trucks are ugly.

The Crash Shack during colder and less cracked days in Ice Town.

The volunteer stretcher bearer teams practice setting up in our bays.

The top of Hut Ridge leading into Arrival Heights. Going past here gives you a one way ticket off the continent.

A view of the spacious accomodations in Scott's Discovery Hut. Looks like they left in a hurry. Didn't even want their pants or the numerous crates of biscuits.

A view straight down the Pass between the T-Site and Ob Hill.

A view of the pressure ridges down by Scott Base. Just for a sense of scale, this is about twice my height.

The prettiest Cat in the McMurdo fleet, in my humble opinion.

Delta Scharen almost getting stuck in one of the drifts while trying to fuel the White Elephant over in Ice Town one particularily nasty Con 2 day.

A look into the Ice Cave I visited.

No, we're not immune from gangs and tagging here, either.

They say everything is bigger in Texas. Well, I'd like to disagree. Everything is bigger in Antarctica. That's me standing next to the truck used to launch the giant scientific research balloons over at the Long Duration Balloon facility. Compared to a lot of vehicles here, these tires are small.

We've thawed out a little bit here. Before, this was all white with snow. Now it's a dusty volcanic brown. I liked it better covered with ice.

A view looking down the bar at Gallagher's Pub. It's actually pretty nice. The guy in white working behind the bar is "Ghandi". He used to be the jano in our dorm until they stole him away from us.

This is what the shifter on Red 1 looks like. Sadly, someone stole the skull shift knob from us.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the new photos Mark, still waiting for the penguin and noise audio!!
